Prayer Times

Welcome to the
Masjid Ul Emaan

The Redhill Islamic Study Circle is a registered charitable trust which was set up for the local Muslim community. We started off with a small custom room built at the rear of the Curry Garden Restaurant, which was kindly provided by the owner. Here we held five-time prayers, children’s madrasah, Jummah salah, Taraweeh and Eid prayers.  

However, this was always a temporary arrangement and as the congregation increased, we needed a location which was larger and more permanent. By the grace of Allah (SWT), the Muslim community of Redhill and the wider Muslim community of the UK we were able to purchase 181 Frenches Road in 2016 and Masjid ul Emaan was established.  

Our Philosophy

A critshahal component of every Muslims journey is knowledge.

Ihsan was the way of our Messenger

We pray together, we break our fast together, Islam is community
Being in service to others is the duty of every Muslim

Support us,
we need your help.

May Allah bless you! Thank you. Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord

Upcoming Event

Ramadan Prep Workshop, More Details

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Islam teaches us that marriage is an important part of our life
Funeral Arrangements “To Allah we belong and to Him is our return.”

Taking the shahada, profession of the Islamic faith, is one of the biggest decisions

The Madrassah

Delivering Islamic education, specifically Quranic education, has been among our top priorities. We provide voluntary Quranic education classes to children of ages from 5 to 13. The Madrassah classes are delivered by a qualified Imam having the relevant expertise and qualifications.
Madrassah classes run from Monday to Friday for two hours each evening normally from 5pm until 7pm.
Currently, about 15 students are benefitting from our Madrassah. You can download a registration form through this link.

School Calendar

First day

Late registration

Last day

Fall Semester




Spring Semester




Our Recent News

Community with over 62 different nationalities represented.

Over 1,200 men and women attend the weekly Jumma prayer service.

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60 percent of our community is under the age of 34.